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eBook - The Power of a Thriving Mindset: Lessons in Life, Leadership & Faith

eBook - The Power of a Thriving Mindset: Lessons in Life, Leadership & Faith


Digital download of Nicole Mays Jacksons' first literary release, 'The Power of a Thriving Mindset: Lessons in Life, Leadership & Faith.'


As one of the youngest women of color to own and successfully manage a business providing home and community-based services, foster care and adoption services, Nicole Mays Jackson is a pioneer in her field; blazing a trail of regenerated, impactful and sustainable practices across the social services landscape.

This book was written to showcase what is possible in spite of; to promote personal and professional limitlessness, and to illustrate the power of a thriving mindset through Nicole's own journey.

No matter your industry, or your professional goals, this book’s purpose is to positively shift your thought process to encourage renewed inspiration across leadership, faith and life. Through her story, and her Three Step Power Process, Nicole's hope is to inspire and empower, strength, resilience and an impenetrable sense of self worth and mental fortitude that are ultimately the pillars of achieving greatness.

May this book be all of this for you and more.

It’s time to thrive.

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